Monday, May 26, 2008

Psalm 103:1 Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.

God has been so amazingly good to us and He deserves all the glory. It's hard to share everything He has given us without sounding prideful, but honestly, we are overflowing with thankfulness to Him.
He has renewed our joy for service by leading us to a new ministry that is well-suited to our gifts and passions. We are going to be grandparents! Several of our children are joining us in ministry at our new church family. God has given us wonderful son-in-laws and a wonderful daughter-in-law. Our kids are all serving God with their gifts. Our daughter Sharon graduated from Loma Linda School of Medicine today, and she and her husband Jon are moving home to Portland! God has opened the doors for her to complete her residency at Providence Milwaukie. God has given me new friends to share, pray, and grow spiritually with, as well as a new job that allows me to influence children and still volunteer in the church.

Psalm 115:1
Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory,because of your love and faithfulness.

What a privilege to be children of our wonderful, loving heavenly Father. As we walk in faith, He shows Himself faithful. He is awesome!

With a heart full of praise,

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Books I'm still reading...

"Can You Hear Me?," by Brad Jersak
"The Case for Christ," by Lee Strobel
"The Case for Faith," by Lee Strobel

Stay tuned....

Someday, I'll write an update on my work and our new ministry.

Love to all,

Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller

Like "The Shack," this book is a must-read. Miller, a Portlander, shares passionately and convincingly that our faith needs to be woven into our daily life choices if it will ever be seen as real by the rest of the world. And since my life-pace has again picked up, I am going to take the easy way out for this "book report" and just select some favorite quotes from the book to whet your appetite to read it for yourself.

"...I imagined life outside of narcissism. I wondered how beautiful it might be to think of others as more important than myself. I wondered at how peaceful it might be not to be pestered by that childish voice that wants for pleasure and attention. I wondered what it would be like not to live in a house of mirrors, everywhere I go being reminded of myself....Nothing is going to change in the Congo until you and I figure out what is wrong with the person in the mirror."

"...I can't explain how freeing that was, to realize that if I met Jesus, He would like me. I never felt like that about some of the Christians on the radio. I always thought if I met those people they would yell at me. But it wasn't like that with Jesus. There were people He loved and people He got really mad at, and I kept identifying with the people He loved,which was really good, because they were all the broken people, you know, the kind of people who are tired of life and want to be done with it, or they are desperate people, people who are outcasts or pagans. There were others, regular people, but He didn't play favorites at all, which is miraculous in itself. That fact alone may have been the most supernatural thing He did. He didn't show partiality, which every human does."

"There is something quite beautiful about the Grand Canyon at night. There is something beautiful about a billion stars held steady by a God who knows what He is doing. (They hang there, the stars, like notes on a page of music, free-form verse, silent mysteries swirling in the blue like jazz.)"

"Can you imagine if Christians actually believed that God was trying to rescue us from the pit of our own self-addiction? ... Can you imagine what Americans would do if they understood over half the world was living in poverty? Do you think they would change the way they live, the products they purchase, and the politicians they elect? If we believed the right things, the true things, there wouldn't be very many problems on earth. But the trouble with deep belief is that it costs something. And there is something inside me, some selfish beast of a subtle thing that doesn't like the truth at all because it carries responsibility, and if I actually believe these things I have to do something about them. It is so, so cumbersome to believe anything."

"Andrew is the one who taught me that what I believe is not what I say I believe; what I believe is what I do. I used to say that I believed it was important to tell people about Jesus, but I never did. Andrew very kindly explained that if I do not introduce people to Jesus, they I don't believe Jesus is an important person. It doesn't matter what i say."

" begin to think the world belongs to you. You begin to think all space is your space and all time is your time. It is like in that movie 'About a Boy' where (the) chief character...believes that life is a play about himself, that all other characters are only acting minor roles in a story that centers around him. My life felt like that. Life was a story about me because I was in every scene. In fact, I was the only one in every scene. I was everywhere I went. If somebody walked into my scene, it would frustrate me because they were disrupting the general theme of the play, namely my comfort or glory."

To be continued...

Celebrities at PDX

Celebrities at PDX
Steve, Vic Atiyeh, and Tim

Can't escape the PDX Paparazzi

Can't escape the PDX Paparazzi
Tom, Greg, Patti, and Tim

So long, farewell,...

So long, farewell,...
Alviedersehen, good-bye



Road to Lahaina

Road to Lahaina
Chaueffer Tim


Popcorn Shrimp, Coconut Shrimp,...

Shrimp jambalaya, shrimp salad, ...

First Morning

First Morning
Coffee on the lanai...for Nancy

Morning Shower

Morning Shower and sunshine!

When it rains in Maui...

When it rains in Maui...
it pours!

Standing water

Standing water
Hope we don't float away

After the rain

After the rain
Muddy ocean

Beach Advisory

Beach Advisory
Sorry no surfing in our bikinis today! :(

The cemetary flooded...

The cemetary flooded...
Oh No!

Rebecca on our lanai

Rebecca on our lanai
The sun wants to come out!

Tropical Lovebirds

Tropical Lovebirds
Choppy water, boat wreckage in background

Tropical Landscaping

Tropical Landscaping
Tim harvesting sugar cane

Resort Living

Resort Living
No Water Shortage Here!

View from the Ritz

View from the Ritz
Thursday morning drive

Pearl Hunting

Pearl Hunting
Them there oysters have pearls in 'em!

Old Lahaina Luau

Old Lahaina Luau
Ready to party!

Get your hula ready...

Get your hula ready...
A romantic evening!

Luau band

Luau band
Relaxing island music

Removing the pig from the "oven."

Removing the pig from the "oven."
Anyone have a temperature probe?

Hula Girls

Hula Girls
Shake those hips!

A passing shower during the luau

A passing shower during the luau
Steve donning his poncho

Hula Girls

Hula Girls
Hula Men

On our way up...

On our way up...
Foothill of Mt. Haleakala

Mt. Haleakala

Mt. Haleakala
The Crater Rim

Mt. Haleakala

Mt. Haleakala
Brrr...feels like December up here!

The gods are angry...

The gods are angry...
Don't step back Steve!

Glimpse into the Crater

Glimpse into the Crater
The fog lifted...barely

Scenic Vista

Scenic Vista
Coming down from Mt. Haleakala


Just another plant in the yard here on Maui!

Hawaiian Sunset

Hawaiian Sunset

Road to Hana

Road to Hana
Tropical Rainforest

Road to Hana

Road to Hana
One of many waterfalls

Orchid Farm

Orchid Farm
They smell like chocolate...seriously!

Beautiful Waves

Beautiful Waves
A scenic bay on the Road to Hana

Local game

Local game
A wild boar alongside the road to Hana

Mama's Fish House

Mama's Fish House
Our last supper

Fresh fish

Fresh fish

fish fresh

fish fresh
Tim's up-country style fish

Even Patti liked the fish

Even Patti liked the fish
...and tasted some raw!

The Black Pearl

The Black Pearl
Pasty oyster shell, filled with chocolate mousse